Howick Pistol Club
We are the only indoor pistol club in Auckland, New Zealand.
You can learn to pistol shoot with us!
Howick Pistol Club is a Pistol New Zealand IPSC Section affiliated club, however we offer comprehensive training that enables our members to successfully compete in various pistol shooting disciplines, both nationally and internationally.
We are located at 90R Wellington Street, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand
Free on street parking is available.
I want to try it out!
We run an introductory class every Tuesday from the beginning of February through to mid-December. Please arrive at the club by 6:30 PM and have the visitor form printed and filled out, ID such as a drivers licence or passport, and proof of address with you.
Safety is our top priority. We run a compulsory safety induction and briefing for all new shooters. All shooters MUST always obey all commands from the range officer.
All visitors to the club must:
Register on arrival.
All shooting visitors to the Club must be 12 years or older (and accompanied by a parent or guardian if under 18)
Adhere to PNZ range dress code:
- no camouflage or paramilitary clothing is allowed on the range at all times.
- closed shoes to be worn on the range.
Complete ALL forms required by the club and provide all information required by law.
Cost is $50 per person and includes everything you need to undertake the session.
Cash only, there is no EFTPOS facility on site at this time.
The club reserves the right to deny participation in its activities to any individual or group that the club officers deem unfit. Examples of denials include an inability to understand the safety briefing, inability to adhere to the dress code, or a recent criminal conviction.
You can come to the Club as a visitor up to three times, after which you must become a member if you wish to continue shooting. All membership applications are subject to approval by the Club Committee.
To join the club, you will be required to pay a joining fee and the annual membership fee. Our membership year starts on the 1st of July and runs till 30th of June, your initial membership fee is pro-rata depending on the time of year you join. Discuss your membership situation with the Committee on your third visit, and if invited, please fill out the membership form.
What will happen next?
1. We would put you through initial training that takes anything from 6 to 12 months depending on individual abilities and progress.
2. By law you are required to attend at least 12 training sessions in the first 6 months.
3. If you do not already hold one we require you to apply for a firearms licence upon joining the club.
4. After 6 months we will evaluate your progress and may support your application for the "B" Endorsement to your firearms licence - this is required for a "bona fide" member of the Pistol Club. At this stage the Police will once again confirm your suitability and your security arrangements before issuing you a "B" Endorsement to own and use pistols.
5. Depending on your progress we will be advancing you through your training journey with the goal for you being a holster qualified, “B” Endorsed licence holder ready to compete at a club level, nationally and internationally by the end of the 12 month period.
6. Pistol shooting in New Zealand is allowed under the arms legislation ONLY for competition shooting purposes, so partaking in competitions is a big part of being a Club member. There is a lot more enjoyment in this activity from competition even if only done at club level.
7. Approximate costs involved:
Annual membership - $538 (includes PNZ and COLFO fees and the ID card).
IPSC belt, holster, and mag pouches - $200 - $650.
Pistol- $500 - $10 000.
Endorsed firearms safe - $300 - $5000.
Ammo - $35 - $70 per 100 rounds of 9mm (100 rounds is an average round count for a club match / training session).